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Itfc Subtitles IBC TV News 2009

A leading London-based media access provider, itfc, awill provide subtitling services at IBC 2009, the global broadcasting industry event, for the eighth year in a row.
They'll be on site to supply subtitles for IBC TV's news transmissions, which are prepared daily.
Every day of the show a programme is shot, edited and subtitled on site for broadcast the next morning.
These programmes are a key feature at IBC and are shown throughout the day on the screens positioned around the exhibition halls.
Delegates who want to watch the latest industry news first thing can also tune into the local cable channel AT5 from their hotel rooms and watch the latest exhibition updates, complete with itfc subtitles, via the teletext closed captioning system (page 888). This will be available 7-9am each morning of IBC 2009 in over 10,000 hotel rooms.
Cherry Cole, Director of Media Access at itfc, said: "We're delighted to once again be providing the subtitles for IBCTV News.
"The project is always a challenge because there's such a quick turnaround, but it's great to be able to show our industry peers the quality of our subtitling work and make IBC TV's news transmissions more accessible to those who attend the show."
IBC is the major broadcasting industry event in Europe, attracting more than 45,000 delegates and over 1,000 exhibitors.
Since their introduction at IBC 2002, itfc's subtitles have become a welcome service, allowing delegates to keep up to date with the latest news irrespective of noise levels in the exhibition halls.
They also help the many attendees for whom English is a second language as well as those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
itfc's other recent broadcast subtitling projects include American Idol, X Factor and Jade: Bride to Be.
Further information is available at:

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