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Bollywood bonanza for Welsh film industry

Wales is preparing for an influx of 'Bollywood' productions, following a highly successful fact finding mission to India by the Wales Screen Commission (WSC).
Carwyn Edwards, Information Manager at WSC's North Wales office met top Bollywood producers on a government sponsored trade mission, where he not only promoted Wales as a film location, but also gained an invaluable insight into the production of Bollywood films. During his eight-day visit, Edwards visited Mumbai (Bombay) where he met with Bollywood's most senior producer, Yash Chopra, before travelling to Chennai (Madras) to meet with bosses of the burgeoning film industry in South East India.
Discussing the trip, Edwards said: "Locations are high on the agenda, however, we also discussed the possibilities of setting up cultural links such as Bollywood film festivals as well as the support and incentives we provide to the film industry in Wales."
Following Edwards' presentation to the South Indian film production community in Kodambakkam, Chennai's 'Tinsel Town', he added: "We have been offered assistance in conducting a study which will help define our approach to Indian film makers in our Marketing Strategy."

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