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BBC Pensions Ballot Gets Serious

The media and entertainment trade union, BECTU is running a ballot on the BBC's pensions offer and has now said this is its first full week of voting.
Members of BECTU, the NUJ and Unite in London will now have the chance to put any further questions to union officials at two meetings.
The first one (today) Tuesday 19 October is at the Think Tank, Media Centre, White City, and the next on Wednesday 20th (both from 1pm) at the Radio Theatre, Broadcasting House, London,
More details on the BBC's offer and BECTU's guidance on it will be discussed at both meetings but it is being emphasised that the deadline for the return of ballot papers to Electoral Reform Services is 12 noon on Thursday 28 October.
Gerry Morrissey, General Secretary, BECTU said: "Following the decision taken by union representatives on 1 October, the joint-unions withdrew plans for strike action pending the outcome of the consultative ballots.
"In line with the decisions taken by reps on 1 October, BECTU is not recommending to its members how they should vote in the ballot. We encourage our members to consider our covering letter in full and to cast their votes based on how the proposals impact on them and in the full knowledge of what the alternatives are."
Meanwhile, later this week, on Friday 22 October, all members affected by the dispute will be taking industrial action to protect September's strike mandate.
Members will be instructed to insist on an 11-hour break from the end of duty on 21 October to the start of duty on 22 October and to refuse to work shifts in excess of 12 hours; in addition members will be instructed to refuse to work for more than six hours without a one hour meal break.
Further guidance for BECTU members is available at: Union members vote on BBC pensions offer

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