Digital film Lab Companies
Digital Film Lab Copenhagen
Aarhusgade 120
Tel : +45 3925 2030
Digital Film Lab offers digital intermediates of complete feature films; shorts and commercials from 16mm, 35mm or any digital format. Grading is done in real time using...
Plowman Craven Limited
141 Lower Luton Road, Hertfordshire UK
Tel : 01582 765566
Plowman Craven provide technical expertise in data capture for film and video production. The moving image has enthralled audiences for over a hundred years; we can take...
R3store Studios Film restoration and Digital archiving
10 Prestons Road, London
Tel : +44 20 3871 5300
At the heart of R3store is complete dedication to our detailed, professional and measured approach At the heart of R3store is complete dedication to our detailed,...