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Vizrt Celebrates 10 Years Of Viz University

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Vizrt is celebrating the 10-year anniversary of Viz University.

During a remarkable decade, Viz University, a learning platform that offers customers, partners, and freelancers a library of product and technology courses, has provided training, upskilling, and certification for thousands of customers and users – from the individual to the world’s biggest broadcast organisations.

"Viz University has been invaluable in onboarding our new Vizrt tool users. Its courses cater to both beginners and advanced users, making it an efficient and effective way to get new staff up to speed in a matter of days. The 'Introduction to TV production' course has been particularly popular among our new hires," stated Jan-Philipp Müller, GF Design, ZDF, German public broadcaster.

In the past 10 years, Viz University has seen 5,000 freelancers and countless customers complete over 10,000 courses. But what do the next 10 years look like? With a lack of specific skilled talent across the tech industry, including media technology and live production, the Viz University team forms a mission to upskill the next generation of content creators and develop a network of certified Vizrt partners.

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