Sound Studios Sponsors

- Seven voice-recording and audio post-pro studios in London W1 close to Oxford Circus/BBC BH. Phone patches, ISDN, Source Connect, fast FTP etc. The Sound Company Ltd.
- 020 7580 5880.
Sound Studios Companies
In Buckinghamshire

Phoenix Sound Ltd
6 Pearl Assurance House, Devon
Tel : 01626 334 942
- Welcome to Phoenix Sound, a professional recording studio based within Pinewood Studios - 360° Virtual Reality Quicktime Movies . (Click here) Phoenix Sound has the...

Pinewood Shepperton Sound
Pinewood Road, Slough
Tel : 01753 651700
The Sound Department within Pinewood and Shepperton hosts probably the largest integrated post production sound facility in the world, enabling its talented pool of mixers...

Universal Sound Foley
Old Farm Lane, Amersham
Tel : +44 (0) 1494 723400
Universal Sound is a unique facility being the only one in the country to specialise solely in Foley. As such we have an unprecedented knowledge and ability in the production...