Props - Hire Sponsors

Lynda's Prop Shop is owned by Lynda Reiss, a 19 year feature film Property Master from Los Angeles, who now resides on the Isle of Man.
If you are trying to make London look like Los Angeles, or Manchester look like Michigan we can help.
If you are trying to make London look like Los Angeles, or Manchester look like Michigan we can help.
Props - Hire Companies
In Cheshire

Mary Propins
Ray Mill, Stalybridge
Tel : 07947 362210
Located in Stylebridge Mary Propins offers a range of services which include the supply of vintage, modern and designer props, secure prop storage and space which clients can...

Planet Vintage Girl - Vintage Prop Hire
Planet Vintage Girl, MANCHESTER
Tel : 07989 406 858
Planet Vintage Girl regularly works with film companies, photographers, studios and other people in the creative industries. Having an extensive academic and professional...