Propmaker Sponsors

Multi-Award-Winning Prop and Puppet Makers
From model makers, scenic artists, pyro technicians, carpenters, sculptors, metal workers… we’ve got the skills to make your project a reality.
From model makers, scenic artists, pyro technicians, carpenters, sculptors, metal workers… we’ve got the skills to make your project a reality.

Plunge Creations, Creative Ideas Realised
Working from our high-capacity workshops, our responsive and experienced team will design, fabricate and install static or animated props and models for your TV or film productions. No job too large.
Working from our high-capacity workshops, our responsive and experienced team will design, fabricate and install static or animated props and models for your TV or film productions. No job too large.

Professional, cost and time efficient Prop Design and Manufacture services, using a combination of state of the art machinery and traditional techniques for the Film, TV and event industries.
Propmaker Companies
In Derbyshire

Anchor Supplies
The Army Surplus Depot, Ripley
Tel : 01773 570137
Based at Ripley in the Heart of Derbyshire, but also with a Barracks style outlet in the centre of Nottingham, Anchor Supplies is the Genuine Military Surplus superstore with...

busy mole music
3 Enfield Close, Hilton
Tel : 01283 730602
Specialist suppliers of historical and traditional musical instruments, sheet music and CDs. Makers of small harps, lyres and psalteries. We are able to supply all your...