Locations Sponsors

We are UKFilmLocation.com - a film and photo shoot Locations Agency formed in 2005 and dedicated to offering a comprehensive location service to owners of a broad range of properties in the UK and Europe.
Historical locations for film & Television Bath England UK. We are here to promote and represent locations to the film, television & photographic industries.
Locations Companies
In Somerset

Bath Film Office
Abbey Chambers, Bath
Tel : 01225 477711
Bath Film Office's locations include Bath's Heritage Georgian architecture and Roman Baths, plus the countryside of North East Somerset with lakes, rivers, canals, grand...

Sarah Eastel Film & Television Locations UK
18 Box Road, Bath UK
Tel : 01225 858100
We are here to promote and represent selected locations to the film, TV & photographic industries. We manage over 5000 locations across the UK including Eltham Palace,...

Bath TV and Film Locations
Tel : 07775 109 388
Bath TV and Film Locations is a Bath based company who can find you the ideal location for your shoot in and around the Bath area. Being a local company they know every nook...