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Tony Doyle Bursary Submissions Sought By BBC

The Tony Doyle Bursary for New Writing opens its doors once more to a new generation of writers.
The bursary is open to writers who have a different story to tell and who are passionate about starting a writing career in television. This is the fifth time the bursary scheme run by BBC Northern Ireland has been offered to new writing talent.
Patrick Spence, BBC Northern Ireland's Head of Drama, said: "The television landscape is changing by the second. We need to find the next generation of writers who are bold, pioneering, and determined to help us make better drama.
The aim of the bursary is to encourage Irish writing for television – the medium in which Tony excelled – and to forge creative links between broadcasters and writers in Ireland.
The judging panel for entries will include Sally Doyle, Robert Cooper, Alan Maloney, Peter Norris, Lorcan Cranitch and Tina Kellegher.
The bursary's core aim is to assist the development of new writers. To achieve this, the four chosen finalists will take part in a residential seminar where they will undergo intensive, structured, script sessions with members of BBC Northern Ireland Drama's development team and with top script writers and producers.
All submissions should be received by 31 January 2007.
Submissions to: The Tony Doyle Bursary for New Writing 2007, BBC NI Drama Department, Broadcasting House, Ormeau Avenue, Belfast, BT2 8HQ, Northern Ireland.
Visit for further information.

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